Recognizing A Local Hero

Contributed by Robert Portanova and Kristin Cook

Montgomery County resident Ann Smith has done a tremendous amount of work on quantifying and educating the public about the potential effects of the proposed M83 highway thru a delicate ecosystem known as the Seneca Creek Waterway System. 

Ann worked with The Coalition for Transit Alternatives to Mid-County Highway Extended (TAME) to produce a comprehensive slideshow presentation that has and will be shown to various HOAs and the County Council.  Moreover, Ann lives her life as a true earth steward, exemplifying what it means to live simply, conserve energy resources and limit her footprint on this planet.  

Thank you Ann!


There are many very active Sierra Club volunteers who have worked hard to help us achieve our goals and in the coming months and it's nice to be able to recognize activists and members who have made a difference.

If you would like to head up a recognitions, honors, and awards committee please contact Maryland Chapter Coordinator.