Final Commission Report Suggests Fracking Will Be Allowed in MD

Today the Maryland Fracking Commission issued the Final Report of the Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Commission. Among the expected recommendations included in the report are: 
Requirement of zero methane leakage from wells, limiting damaging climate pollution.
Requirement of the completion of Comprehensive Gas Development Plan (CGDP), and two years monitoring in the area of the proposed drilling site, before full scale drilling commences.  
Disclosure of chemicals used for drilling to MDE and to members of the health professionals who need the information to diagnose or treat a patient.
Maryland Sierra Club Conservation Chair David O’Leary offered this statement in response: "Today's report outlines the framework of much needed regulations on fracking which will provide strong and important protections for Maryland communities.
“However, effective implementation of these practices will rely on adequate and consistent funding, monitoring, and vigilant enforcement.  We urge Governor-elect Larry Hogan to pledge to support and strengthen these regulations as minimum safeguards of protection. If he insists on proceeding with gas drilling, funding for permitting and enforcement of these protections should come from fees on the gas companies who profit from the drilling. Maryland taxpayers should not be burdened with the costs of cleaning up spills, repairing bridges, or other damages commonly experienced in places where drilling occurs.
"Unconventional gas drilling remains a dirty and dangerous process and these safeguards do not remove the risk it poses to our communities and environment. The best solution for Maryland families is for our state to stop investing in dirty fuels and instead look to clean, renewable energy options that can power our economy without sacrificing our clean air and water, our health, and our climate. 
“The Sierra Club remains opposed to opening additional lands to damaging fracking and will continue work to make a cleaner, healthier, safer future a reality."
There will be a public hearing on December 8th where the Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative Commission will hear comments on their draft final report. Location and time TBA.
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