Wonderful Weekend for Outings Leader Training

  Photo by Glynn WilsonThe weather was gorgeous this past Sunday September 28th, as group of fifteen members from all over Maryland gathered together at the College Park office to kick off Outings Leader Training 101. The participants got the chance to take a look into the inner workings of the Sierra Club, learn how to become a certified outings leader, and how they can help to promote our conservation campaigns. The Sierra Club truly values its Outings Leaders and their passion for environmental education and activism. It is essential that with each new generation of leaders, we continue to pass on the message that we can all enjoy, explore, and protect the planet. 


The training was held at the College Park Chapter office as well as along the Anacostia Marina at Bladensburg Waterfront Park. Desiree Farve and Nicole Veltre-Luton took the lead as co-facilitators, discussing topics such as trip planning, advertising and reporting. Laurel Imlay, Dave O'Leary, Mike Darzi, Claudia Friedetzky and Sierra Club interns Joyce Koo and Sydney Sotelo gave special presentations on tech programming, Leave No Trace, mentoring, and advertisting trips online. After an informative breakfast session, the team relocated to the Anacostia to stretch our legs, and discuss important clean water campaign issues.          

Clean Water Outings Leader Training 9/28/14It was wonderful to spend the afternoon outside together along the water. It was perfectly sunny, the park was full of bikers and joggers, and there was even a wedding going on underneath the pavilion. After our lunch break, we began our interactive portion of OLT101. Participants got the chance to practice their trail talks, and handle different scenarios that may occur during future outings. It was definitely a long day full of lots of information, but it is important that future leaders are prepared so that they can pass their wisdom on to others.

Now that our participants have completed OLT101, they are on the path to becoming certified Outings Leaders! Throughout the next few months they will be brushing up on their first aid, completing certification requirements, and  co-leading outings with an experienced leader who will act as their mentor. It is incredibly exciting to see a new group of members take such great interest in the Outings program. They will continue to offer fantastic outdoor opportunities to the community, and spread their own personal messages of envrionmental stewardship. Thank you so much to everyone that came out this weekend. We cannot wait to see all of the wonderful things you do on your future outings!