MD Beyond Coal Campaign Reaches Fever Pitch

The Maryland Beyond Coal Team is coming up on a critical moment in our campaign to retire Maryland's dirtiest coal-fired power plants, and we need help more than ever to protect the health of Marylanders.
After months of stalling, the Maryland Department of the Environment is finally ready to propose emissions limits that could force every coal plant in the state to install state-of-the-art pollution-cutting equipment -- an expense that is likely to push the plants toward retirement. Of course, it looks like the limits might be much weaker than is necessary to make any substantial difference. That's why we need to keep pushing back and calling for the health protections Marylanders need.

What: MD Beyond Coal shows up at the AQCAC Hearing
When: Monday, September 8th // 8:00am - 12:00pm (let me know if you can only make part of it)
Where: MDE Headquarters, 1600 Washington Blvd, Baltimore, MD
We need to show up in a big way at this hearing, and it would be great to have you standing there with us to support the people with asthma, community leaders, doctors, and elected officials who will be testifying before AQCAC.
We'll also be gathering a few days before the meeting on September 3rd at the new Baltimore Office of the Sierra Club (3000 Chestnut Ave in Hampden) to discuss our plans for the hearing and to learn about how the MD Beyond Coal Campaign is evolving to work on renewable energy and energy efficiency in addition to our efforts to retire coal plants. The meeting will start at 7:00pm and will include a round-robin preview of our new Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency working groups along with lots of opportunities for involvement.
RSVP to join the next MD Beyond Coal meeting on September 3rd @ 7pm:
We need all hands on deck to put the nail in the coffins of Maryland's coal plants. Then we can celebrate our victories in New York City on September 21st at the People's Climate March.