Beyond Coal Summer Update


How much can you fit into one summer month? The Beyond Coal team at the Maryland Chapter has been working all throughout the month on to clean up Maryland's dirty coal-fired power plants, and we're excited to announce 2 great events during the last week of July. We couldn’t be more excited about what we’ve done this month and what we have planned moving forward.


We continue to work with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to ensure upcoming regulations on NOx and SOx emissions from existing coal plants are strong and health-protective. We can’t support weak regulations when Maryland’s air quality is at stake. Look for key opportunities throughout August and September to help us make sure MDE knows the public is tired of bad air and wants strong rules for our dirty power plants.


Our amazing grassroots team has been active in the Baltimore region, attending community meetings, hosting Beyond Coal gatherings, tabling, and overall increasing our presence and community engagement in Baltimore. If you are interested in attending our Baltimore meetings or engaging with the grassroots campaign right in Baltimore, please contact Seth Bush for additional information!


Upcoming Events and Opportunities:


Beyond Coal Conservation Outing at the C&O Tow Path and Dickerson Coal Plant

WHAT: Easy 6 mile hike along the C&O Tow Path near the Dickerson Power Plant

WHEN: Saturday, July 26th @ 10:00AM – 2:00PM

WHERE: C&O Towpath, 21115 Mouth of Monocacy Rd, Dickerson, MD. Carpools at UMBC Stadium Parking Lot (8:30AM) & Shady Grove Metro Station (9:00AM).

WHO: You, your friends and neighbors



EPA Clean Power Plan Hearing

WHAT: Events focused on EPA’s public hearing on the proposed Clean Power Plan (limits on carbon emissions from existing power plants)

WHEN: Tuesday, July 29th @ 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

WHERE: EPA Headquarters East Building (just outside the Federal Triangle Metro Stop)

WHO: Concerned citizens from throughout the region




We’re ramping up our pressure on MDE to make sure the proposed regulations for NOx and SOx are strong, and we need your help. We are asking you to participate in a social media blast that will include your picture and a message to MDE that you are tired of Maryland’s bad air quality. We are kicking off the messaging campaign on Saturday, July 26th at our Outing, but you can still participate even if you can’t come to the outing! Contact David Smedick or Seth Bush for more details. More info to come soon!


Save the Date! People’s Climate March on September 21st

The Maryland Chapter is starting our recruitment and planning process for the People’s Climate March in New York City on September 21st. The US is hosting leaders from throughout the world at the UN campus in New York City to discuss the climate crisis and we’re working with organizations across the country to make this largest climate march in history. SAVE THE DATE for Sunday, September 21st. In the coming days and weeks we will be asking for volunteer leaders to help recruit, manage buses, and drum up excitement about this historic event. Look for more details and information soon!

This is such an exciting time for the Beyond Coal team – if you want to get involved please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Maryland’s public health, climate, and environmental future is at stake and we hope you can join us in this exciting campaign.