Introducing Our New Beyond Coal Campaign Representative David Smedick!

In June, the Maryland Sierra Club welcomed David Smedick to the team as the new Beyond Coal Campaign and Policy Representative. David spent the last two years in Atlanta, Georgia where he worked in the green building sector at Southface Energy Institute. A LEED AP, David has experience working on a variety of LEED projects, including the development and implementation of a large LEED Volume program for a national corporation.

He holds a master of environmental management and certificate in sustainable systems analysis from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and a bachelors degree in environmental studies from American University. At AU, David was an active student leader on campus sustainability issues and worked with a close group of dedicated students to successfully campaign for AU’s commitment to carbon neutrality. David is a Maryland native, having grown up in Carroll County, and is excited to move the Beyond Coal campaign forward in his home state.

“Maryland has an excellent opportunity to be a leader in the region and country when it comes to moving beyond coal and building up a clean, renewable energy economy,” said Smedick. “I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to work with an amazing organization like the Sierra Club and I can’t wait to become engaged on all of these issues across the state.”

If you are interested in learning more about the Beyond Coal campaign, or would like to be involved with the Maryland Sierra Club’s energy campaigns in Maryland, please reach out to David at David works at the College Park office, and you can also reach him at the office’s main phone number (301) 277-7111.