Congratulations to Our Candidates!

The Sierra Club endorsed some winners on Tuesday, especially Brian Frosh, who earned a well-deserved place on the ballot. In Howard County, our endorsed candidates, Clarence Lam and Eric Ebersole, will be on the ballot; Terri Hill will be the candidate for the third Delegate's position in District 12. 

In District 13, Guy Guzzone will compete for the Senate seat. Our endorsed candidates, Shane Pendergrass and Frank Turner, will be candidates for Delegate, along with Vanessa Atterbeary.  

The County Council primaries featured Alan Schneider, Jen Terrassa, and Calvin Ball running unopposed with the Sierra Club endorsement. In a very close race among four hopefuls, Lisa Markovitz came in second to Jon Weinstein.

Congratulations to all the candidates for their strong campaigns and thank you for your support of environmental causes.