Big Victory on Climate Resiliency in The New Chesapeake Bay Agreement

The largest watershed restoration process ever to be undertaken in the US, Chesapeake Bay Restoration, will have clear commitments and resources for dealing with climate impacts. On June 16 the new Chesapeake Bay Agreement - guidance document extraordinaire for Chesapeake Bay restoration - was signed by the governors from the  watershed states and the Mayor of the District of Columbia, featuring a climate resiliency goal.

It's a key step in the process of advancing the adaptation of our waterways to climate change, a big victory for the Bay, and huge accomplishment for Sierra Club members. 

Thanks in large part to you, we were able to get this climate resiliency goal included in the new Bay agreement. Early drafts of the agreement did not even mention the word climate, let along commit to specific goals.  Maryland Sierra Club submitted the largest number of comments of any organization in support of preparing our waterways for climate impacts to the Chesapeake Bay Program, a regional partnership that leads the restoration effort. 

We feel so inspired by this victory.   Please click on this link if you want to join us for the next step in adapting our waterways to climate change.