Polluted Runoff Defense: We Won!

We did great! Sierra Club volunteers played a huge role in the successful defense of the polluted runoff law. Together we beat back 20 bills attempting to weaken the law that is critical for cleaning up our waterways. 

The polluted runoff law enables our most populated counties to reduce the runoff that contaminates our seafood, leads to beach closings, causes flooding, and is a leading pollution source to the Chesapeake Bay. The law creates a dedicated funding source for on-the-ground projects that reduce polluted runoff and protect our waterways.  

Througout the legislative session, the bills aimed at weakening the law all died before ever seeing the light of the floor. In the end, the desperate opposition resorted to a sneaky end-run around the legislative process, co-opting the budget process at the last minute to alter the law, and thus preventing the public from reviewing and commenting on the proposed changes.  

As a result, Carroll and Frederick Counties -- familiar bad actors when it comes to stewardship of our natural resources -- will now have the opportunity to apply for a waiver that allows them to use their citizens' property taxes to pay for reducing polluted runoff rather than having to create a dedicated funding source like everyone else. The majority of densely populated counties, however, are moving ahead with installing clean water projects with dedicated, locally collected and tracked funds. 

This victory is one key step among many to achieve restoration of our rivers and streams, and the Chesapeake Bay. Moving right along, Sierra Club is getting involved to ensure full implementation of the law and the creation of effective programs to reduce polluted runoff in our largest, most densely populated counties. Stay tuned!