Opportunities in April to Support Heather Mizeur for Governor

After Maryland Sierra Club's endorsement of Heather Mizeur for Governor in January, we have been hard at work reaching out to Sierra Club members around the state to let them know why we support Heather, and how they can get involved in the campaign to elect her.  With your help we can elect an environmental champion as our next Governor. There are a number of great opportunities in April to get involved through Maryland Sierra Club, or directly with the Heather Mizeur campaign. Click here to see if any of these dates and opportunites appeal to you. If you want to get involved but don't see anything that works for you, contact Matt Dernoga at matt.dernoga[@]mdsierra.org.    

Phone Banks: The Maryland Sierra Club volunteers are leading phone banks to let members know why we endorsed Heather, and how they can join us to help get Heather elected. Come make calls with us at the Sierra Club office in College Park. RSVP for a phone bank to matt.dernoga[@]mdsierra.org or 240-593-1268. 

  • Thursday April 3rd from 6:00-8:30 pm, led by Matt Dernoga
  • Monday April 7th from 6:00-8:30 pm, led by Sydney Jacobs and Barbara Solner-Webb
  • Monday April 17th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm, led by Sydney Jacobs
  • Thursday April 24th from 6:00-8:30 pm, led by Michael Hartman
  • Wednesday April 30th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm, led by Matt Dernoga

Join the Upper Eastern Shore Team

The first successful meeting of the Upper Eastern Shore Team was organized this past Saturday by club member Jan Graham.  If you'd like to get involved contact Jan at jangraham@verizon.net   

Attend an Anne Arundel County Organizing Meeting

If you live in Anne Arundel County and are interested in learning more about the campaign to elect Heather Mizeur, this is a great opportunity. The meeting is Saturday, April 12th from 1:30-3:00 pm at 732 Truro Ln, Crofton, MD 20785. To RSVP, e-mail Larry Stafford at larry@heathermizeur.com.