HB1168 -- Still time to contact Governor O'Malley!

There is still time to contact Governor O'Malley to ask him to veto a very bad, anti-wind power bill, HB1168! The Maryland Senate passed this bill on April 5th after a lively debate in which many environmentally-minded Senators questioned the effects of this bill, which will kill the Great Bay Wind Project scheduled to begin development in Somerset County and chill the construction of additional on-shore wind farms across the State (read more). The bill, which will stall wind development across some 39% of Maryland, will become law if Governor O'Malley does not veto it within 30 days -- that is, before May 5th. Already well over 1,000 Sierra Club members and friends have urged the Governor to veto the bill. Will you join them?

Don't let fear and innuendo stall Maryland's road to renewable energy! Governor O'Malley opposed HB1168. Help him forge his legacy as a foreward-looking environmental leader by supporting a veto of this bill! Access our Action Alert and send your message today.