The Future of On-land Wind Energy

The Great Bay on-land wind energy project is a win-win for Maryland, and would put Maryland in the forefront of clean energy production. The project will generate jobs on the Eastern Shore, in one of the poorer parts of the state, and wll bring in over $40 million in new tax revenues to Somerset County. Senator Mathias supports this project.

Great Bay has already spent more than $3 million developing this project, and also has successfully navigated the numerous regulatory hurdles. The company has entered into a preliminary agreement with the Navy to curtail their wind turbines during PAX River Naval Air Station testing range operations that require a "clean Doppler environment", thereby protecting the Naval Base's unique testing environment. Great Bay is also working with the Fish and Wildlife Service to mitigate impacts to the Bald Eagle population in the area. 

House Bill 1168, which includes provisions for a 15-month moratorium on wind power within a 56-mile radius of PAX River Naval Air Station, will likely cause Great Bay to cut their losses and leave Maryland altogether. Certainly this bill won't help Maryland's reputation as a state that is open to businesses looking for renewable energy opportunities. If the normal regulatory process can be subverted by legislative action, then businesses may decide to look at other places to develop renewable energy projects. At the very least, this bill will create a chilling effect on the develpoment of future on-land wind energy projects in Maryland.

The Senate Finance Committee approved HB1168 by a 7 to 4 vote with the bill now scheduled to go before the full Senate on Saturday, April 5, 2014. Pressure on State Senators to support the bill has been intense, with Congressman Steny Hoyer coming to Annapolis to personally testify for its passage. If the bill passes, the next stop will be Governor O'Malley's desk. At that point, we will ask Governor O'Malley, whose administration offered compelling testimony against the bill, to veto it. We hope that Governor O'Malley stands strong in favor of renewable energy and against this bill -- we believe he has the courage and foresight to do so. Click here to learn more.