Sierra Club Endorses in Congressional Districts 1 and 2

Sierra Club Endorses Dutch Ruppersberger and John LaFerla for Congress

On March 21, Sierra Club officially endorsed incumbent Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger in MD Congressional District 2 and John LaFerla, challenger to anti-environmental incumbent Andy Harris, in MD Congressional District 1.  

Congressman Ruppersberger demonstrated his courage and independence by being the only member of the Maryland Delegation to sign a letter to President Obama asking the President to not fast-track the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a so-called trade agreement that puts environmental regulations in the cross-hairs of corporate gun slingers. The TPP also threatens to weaken our food safety laws, raise drug prices, give corporations more control over the internet and move more American jobs overseas. It has been negotiated in extreme secrecy over the last 5 years and President Obama is calling to fast-track it which would limit debate on the agreement and subject it to an up or down vote. We thank Congressman Ruppersberger for his wise counsel to the President .

John LaFerla, a retired physician, is a strong alternative to Andy Harris who has a lifetime score of 6% on the League of Conservation scorecard.

Unlike Andy Harris, LaFerla knows that climate change is real and, if elected, commits to address the threat by supporting investment in renewable energy research, establishment of a price on carbon pollution, and an end to subsidies for oil companies. Dr. LaFerla is also very concerned that we need to work more on energy efficiency in order to reduce each person’s climate footprint.  

If you would like to work to help elect either of these endorsed candidates please call Betsy Johnson at 301-656-4948.

And check out our other endorsements on our website.