Just a Nature Guardian

In nature, time stands still. No phone, no paperwork, no bills or worries about my leaky tub, just quiet bliss. The echoes of blue birds and spring peepers are my symphony. To say I like being in nature is an understatement. As an Environmental Science and Policy major at University of Maryland I have managed to turn my love of nature into a prospective career.

At the Sierra Club, however, I have been able to do something of much more importance. Here, I have been able to protect the nature I cherish so dearly. Working along side a remarkable mentor and plant genius, Marc Imlay, I have been able to rescue native flora from invasive invader suffocation. Every weekend I Iead a group of 5 to 10 volunteers on stewardship outings focused on removing invasive plants such as Wineberry, English Ivy, and Japanese Honeysuckle from local areas. Not only do I get to meet interesting and kind individuals from all walks of life, I have the privilege of safeguarding College Park's natural heritage.

I leave each outing with dirt under my nails, a smile on my face, and a relaxed mind from my semi-vacation from the real world. We all need a break from our hectic lives. We all need to stop and appreciate the beauty that is all around us. If this sounds appealing to you, please feel free to volunteer with me on a stewardship outing, and be prepared to get dirty and have a lot of fun!

To see Invasive Plant Removal Outings locations, click here!