HB1168 - A Bad Bill for On-Land Wind in Maryland!

House Bill 1168, a bad bill coming to the Senate Finance Committee next week, will put on-land wind power on the chopping block in Maryland.

How the Senate Finance Committee acts on this bill will determine whether Maryland will continue to stand in the forefront of clean energy production, or whether Maryland will retreat out of fear and mistruths. House Bill 1168 calls for a 15-month moratorium on wind power on the Eastern Shore, and if passed by the Senate, will effectively kill the Great Bay wind project slated to begin development in Somerset County. Ask Governor O'Malley and your State Senator to oppose HB 1168!

Interestingly enough, proponents of the bill live just across the shore from Somerset in Southern Maryland. Spurred by fears about impacts to the PAX River Naval Air Station, they have requested a 15-month moritorium on the Great Bay project pending the completion of a study. Sounds logical, right? Wrong. This 15-month moratorium is just a way to kill on-land wind power, and if passed, will chill all on-land wind projects in the state, including Great Bay, which will leave the state. And without a real reason. Great Bay has entered into an agreement with the Navy to curtail their wind turbines during PAX River Naval Air Station testing range operations that require a "clean Doppler environment", thereby protecting the Naval Base's unique testing environment. Great Bay is also working with the Fish and Wildlife Service to mitigate impacts to the Bald Eagle population in the area. 

This project is a win-win for Maryland, and would put Maryland in the forefront of clean energy production. The project will generate jobs on the Eastern Shore, in one of the poorer parts of the state, and wll bring in over $40 million in new tax revenues to Somerset County. Great Bay has already spent more then $3 million developing this project, and also has successfully navigated the numerous regulatory hurdles. House Bill 1168 would seek to circumvent the normal regulatory routes in favor of legislation brought by a small number of legislators in one part of the State.  

If you wonder why I am so passionate about blocking this bill, it is because I recenty watched a film about impacts of the ice melt in Greenland; if it melts completely, it will result in a sea level rise of 21 feet worldwide (and that is without Anarctica). Sometimes I forget how close we are to climate disaster -- seeing is believing, and this program did a marvelous job of visually bringing climate change home. (Watch a clip: http://mentalfloss.com/article/55703/tonight-vice-greenland-melting.) But I digress.
The Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on House Bill 1168 on April 1, 2014, at 1 o'clock pm in the Senate Office Building. If the finance Committee votes for this bill, it wll proceed to the Senate floor. Please flood the Senate with your comments opposing this bill. And contact Governor O'Malley. If this bill passes, we will ask him to veto the bill. Passage of this bill will blemish Maryland's record as a clean energy state, and one in the forefront of fighting against climate change!
Donna McDowell, J.D., M.S.
Vice Chair, Maryland Sierra Club


PO Box 278 Riverdale, MD 20738 | (301) 277-7111 | Contact Maryland Sierra Club

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