Wildlands! Contact DNR and Your Legislators this Weekend!

We need your help to protect Maryland's natural heritage. As we reported last month, Maryland is considering designating thousands of acres of protected open space, known in the state as "Wildlands". Dozens of you turned out to testify in support of new wildlands areas from the Cumberland Mountains to Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore.  

But if you haven't made your voice heard yet, you've still have a few days. But just a few. The deadline for contacting DNR in support of the Maryland Wildland Designations is Monday, December 9th.  

Please email DNR this weekend! Send your emails to:  Wildlands@dnr.state.md.us. Read about potential designations and comment in support of an area near you. Get all the background you need. 

At the same time, send copies of your emails to your legislators! They will be the ones to vote "Yea or Nay" on DNR's proposal.

For more information, read Dave O'Leary's blog.