Clean up Crane and Wagner Coal Plants

Dear Friend,

Ask Governor O'Malley to lead on clean air and clean up the Crane and Wagner coal plants!
Send Your Letter

Earlier this week the 150th coal plant was retired since the Beyond Coal campaign started keeping track in 2010! There's only a handful of coal plants in the East that still let dangerous pollution spew unchecked into local communities now. Unfortunately two of them are in Maryland. 

Because of inadequate public health protections, the Crane and Wagner coal plants dump dangerous amounts of pollution into the air around Baltimore, contributing to sky-high asthma rates that rank the city among the highest in the nation for childhood asthma. The good news is that Governor O'Malley can protect the health of Marylanders by directing the Maryland Department of the Environment to limit pollution from the Crane and Wagner coal plants.

Send a message to Governor O'Malley asking him to lead on clean air like he's led on clean energy. Urge him to clean up the Crane and Wagner coal plants!

Air pollution from coal emissions is especially harmful to Maryland's children. Can you imagine having to stay indoors during the summer because the air is affecting your ability to breathe? For too many of Maryland's children with asthma, that's their reality. We can do better. Let Governor O'Malley know you want him to prioritize clean air the same way he's prioritized climate protection.

Send a message to Governor O'Malley for clean air today!

Thanks for all you do to protect the environment,

Chris Yoder
Baltimore Group Chair
Sierra Club

P.S. After you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues!