Anti-fracking rockstar Jessica Helm announced as Keynote Speaker for Jamboree


We are pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker for the October 18 - 20 Sierra Club Jamboree: National Sierra Club Director Jessica Helm! 

Jessica Helm

Join us October 19 to welcome Keynote Speaker Jessica Helm, National Sierra Club Director & Activist Network Hydrofracking Team Leader 

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Jessica founded the Sierra Club's Hydrofracking Team in 2009, bringing volunteers and staff together in the fight against fossil fuel exploitation in shale gas and tight sand formations across the country, including the Marcellus shale.  

In 2011 she co-founded NY Water Sentinels to monitor water quality for impacts from hydraulic fracturing (gas drilling), engaging over 100 volunteers at over 50 sites across NY. Jessica currently chairs the Sierra Club's advisory committee on volunteer leadership.

Jessica Helm has been volunteering with the club for 9 years, serving locally as On-line Media Chair and Conservation Chair of the Atlantic Chapter before being elected to the National Board of Directors in 2011. 

When Jessica is not organizing us to save the planet, she studies our brains –- she has a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, has researched at the Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Research and taught at State University of New York at Stony Brook. Please join us Friday night to welcome Jessica to tell us about Sierra Club national campaigns.

Other workshop news: Claudia Friedetzky will be bringing the circle together on the impacts of Climate Change on the Chesapeake Bay. See her description of the issue here. There will be a kayaking outing right from the camp's pier on the lower Potomac River. And Sue Muller will be presenting on the Maryland Amphibian & Reptile Atlas before the hike to look for lizards and salamanders.

College students from a new Sierra Student Coalition group at the University of Maryland will be joining us. Also, a crew of Baltimore Inner City Outings kids will be giving demonstration workshops for the younger crowd in addition to helping in the kitchen -- I hear they are good cooks! 

You know what's next...Click here to Reserve your spot!

Questions? Call Laurel or Alexa at 301-277-7111.

Already going? Please share this invitation with your friends!

Read More about the upcoming 2013 Jamboree in the latest Chesapeake Newsletter, see Pictures from 2011 and Pictures from 2009

Find more events on the full calendar here.