Sierra Club Applauds EPA’s Carbon Pollution Protections for Power Plants



September 20, 2013


Maggie Kao, 202-675-2384,

Orli Cotel, 415-977-5627,

Sierra Club Applauds EPA’s Carbon Pollution Protections for Power Plants

Safeguards Mark First Step in President Obama’s Climate Action Plan

Washington, D.C. -- Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its proposed carbon pollution protections for new power plants. Carbon pollution is the leading contributor to climate disruption and is linked to life-threatening air pollution like smog, which triggers asthma attacks. These carbon pollution protections will help us clean up and modernize the way we power our country – to help ensure healthier kids, families and workers, create much-needed jobs, and fight climate disruption.

In response, Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, released the following statement:

“Today, the Environmental Protection Agency and President Obama have taken the first major step towards fulfilling the president’s Climate Action Plan and protecting our children’s future. The EPA’s proposed carbon pollution standards will protect Americans from dangerous air pollution, protect our communities from harmful carbon pollution, and strengthen our economy with clean energy jobs.

“Each year, more and more Americans are threatened by extreme weather events brought on by carbon pollution. And up until now, there have been no national standards for the amount of carbon pollution power plants can dump into our air.  Big polluters have been getting a free ride for decades, while Americans foot the bill in the form of asthma attacks, respiratory illness, floods, wildfires, and superstorms.

“The EPA’s proposed carbon pollution protections today show that President Obama is serious about fighting climate disruption. The Sierra Club and our 2.1 million members and supporters applaud President Obama and the EPA for holding the industries that create the lion’s share of the nation’s carbon emissions accountable for their pollution.  We look forward to working with the Administration to ensure strong final standards for both coal and gas plants, as well as a strong proposal for EPA’s upcoming carbon pollution protections for existing power plants.”
