Update from the Intern Splash Hike

As one of our intern-only activities, the Maryland office interns went on a splash hike on the Saturday morning of July 20th. Having never taken part in a hike through a river, none of us knew what to expect.

One of the lasting impressions I got from the hike was this: rocks, slippery, loose rocks everywhere. In order to reach the river, we had to climb down a small but steep hill covered with loose rocks. During the hike, there were random slippery rocks hidden in the river. Everyone slipped and fell at some point during the hike.

Even though the slippery rocks were a challenge for all who participated in the hike, the water itself was relaxing. As the day went on and the temperature increased, the water kept our legs cool while we hid our heads from the sun in the tree shade along the riverbank.  

Throughout the splash hike, we were able to see a side of Maryland wildlife and nature that many do not get to experience. We saw groups of large butterflies, and at times, we had to watch our steps to avoid stepping on baby frogs and tadpoles. There were also water spiders everywhere, and even though they only eat fish, some of the interns were still wary of these creatures.

Unfortunately, we also witnessed the effects of human development on the environment. Throughout the hike, we saw trash like tires, golf balls, and plastic bags littered everywhere.

The splash hike reminded us of the mission of Sierra Club. We saw firsthand the beauty of a river and its surrounding ecosystem. However, we also witnessed the impact that human activities had on the river. The hike exemplified the motto of the Sierra Club perfectly. While exploring and enjoying nature, we realized just why we were working with the Sierra Club in the first place: to protect the environment that we love.