Renewable Energy for Maryland... Here we go again!

Last time you heard from me, I was able to share the news of our exciting and historic victory passing the passing Offshore Wind in the state of Maryland.   Well, I can't announce another victory like that (yet...) but it has been a busy summer, and there is a lot to report on.  We moved into a new office, formed some new internal organizing committees, and we're done a lot of exciting planning on how to increase renewable energy in Maryland.

But most exciting, I was part of launching one of the new and exciting environmental campaigns to jumpstart the renewable energy industry here in Maryland. This summer we are preparing to build a grassroot movement around increasing the state's RPS. RPS stands for Renewable Portfolio Standard.

Moving forward we will be engaging legislators asking them to vote for legislation that raises the current RPS goal from just 20% by 2025, to 40% by 2025. Even after our many victories in Annapolis legislators are still behind the eight ball when it comes to voting for the right legislation....especially when special interest are involved.  It won’t be easy but here at the Maryland Chapter that’s fine with us, we like a tough fight. And with one of the most powerful volunteer bases in the state, we can give the oil companies a run for their money.

For those interested we are creating numerous ways for how we can engage and bring our members into the campaigns. If you are interested in getting involved please contact me at, Please do not hesitate to contact me, we need people who are energize and ready to make the difference. Is that you? Until we talk again I will leave you with a few words from our founder John Muir.

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.
- John Muir- Founder of the Sierra Club