The Next Generation of Environmental Leaders

The Sierra Student Coalition (SSC) is now accepting applicants for our award winning Summer Grassroots Leadership Training Program (which we call Sprog) and we thought you may know someone who would be interested in applying.Sprog is a week-long training led by and for young movement leaders in a summer camp style setting. The goal is to give budding leaders all the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to launch and win real campaigns for sustainability, climate, and justice. For 20 years, Sprog has trained and empowered youth to launch and win strategic grassroots campaigns.

This year we are hosting six trainings across the nation led by and for young leaders in the environmental movement.  The deadline to apply is Friday, June 7 -- nominate someone today!

"Sprog gave me all the tools and confidence I needed to go back to my campus and be a leader on our campaign for a student green energy fund at our school. I also stepped up as an active member in our statewide youth environmental sustainability coalition and worked on campaigns against nuclear power. ... It's because of the community, support, training, and mentorship I've found in the Sierra Student Coalition that I've been able to stick with it, learn from my mistakes, and grow as a leader and a grassroots organizer." - Christina Novaton, 2011 Sprog grad & current SSC Leader

Participating in Sprog connects learners to a national network of young grassroots activists working for a just and sustainable planet.  Nominate a young leader to attend Sprog! 

Thanks for all you do for the environment,

Tim Harlan-Marks
SSC Director of Trainings and Leadership Development

P.S. Got questions? Check out our FAQ’s here.  For more updates on Sprog and the Sierra Club Student Coalition, like us on Facebook