2013 Mid-Session Legislative Report

2013 Mid-Session Legislative Report
Maryland General Assembly

Eight weeks into session, we are already winning for the environment. Thanks to your help, lobbying, and advocacy, some of our priority bills are advancing through the House and Senate as you read this email. We have also received a number of really great media stories and letters to the editor published on our various priority bills.

The Legislative Team wanted to give you an update on our priority bills, areas of need, and ways in which you can get involved. 

Maryland Sierra Club 2013 Legislative Session Environmental Priorities

Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013 SB 275/ HB 226

The Maryland House of Delegates passed the Offshore Wind Energy Bill on February 22nd with a vote of 86 to 48. The Senate Finance Committee passed the bill out with a 7-4 vote. Next and last stop, the full Senate. With 24 sponsors in the Senate, a number sufficient to pass the bill, success is expected in coming weeks. Prior to the house passage of the bill, the Offshore Wind Coalition had a great 'Show your LOVE for Wind' rally on February 13. See pictures here.

Recent Media Clips: 
Md. House advances offshore wind bill
Let Maryland set the pace in wind power

Take Action: Send an email to your Senator urging their vote in the coming days! Click here

For more information, please contact Chris at Chris.hill@sierraclub.org

Maryland Pesticide Reporting and Information Act  SB 675/ HB 775

Pesticides pose a serious risk to our health, our waterways, and to homeland security. However, Maryland lacks the information we need about some pesticide use and the sales of restricted use pesticides. This legislation would provide us with that information. Our co-leads on this bill, Donna Mcdowell and Kim Birnbaum, are working hard alongside the Maryland Pesticides Network to get this bill passed. First hearing, Wednesday, February 27 in the House Environmental Matters Committee.

Recent Media Clip:  
Protecting the Chesapeake Bay from pesticide runoff, LTE from our very own Co-lead, Kim Birnbaum.

Take ActionSend an email to your legislators urging their YES vote on this legislation  -- looking particularly for District 43 members to contact their legislators or have a visit. 

For more information, please contact kim.birnbaum@maryland.sierraclub.org.

Statewide Container Recycling Incentive Program SB 641/ HB 1085

This bill provides an incentive to consumers to increase the number of plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans returned and recycled by establishing a self-funded returnable deposit program for beverage containers. The consumer receives 100% of their deposit on return and the State, Counties, and Baltimore City benefit economically while unredeemed dollars go to program costs and environmental programs. First hearing, March 8, in the House Environmental Matters Committee.

More details can be found at http://www.recycleforreal.com.

For more information, please contact Chris at Chris.hill@sierraclub.org

Community Renewables Pilot Project SB0699/ HB1128

With the work of our co-lead Lore Rosenthal and others, progress is being made with SB0699/ HB1128: Electricity - Community Energy Generating Facilities – Pilot (Stein/Pinsky)! This bill would set up a 3-year pilot project that would allow construction of small solar farms or other "generating facilities". Maryland residents would be able to purchase one or more panels in an array and then instruct their utility company to subtract the cost of the solar electricity generated against their monthly electric bill. First hearing, Tuesday, March 5, 1:00 pm in the Senate Finance Committee and then Thursday, March 7, in the House Economic Matters Committee.  

Take Action:

  • Join the listserv: follow our progress, read articles, keep up-to-date, please join the MD-SUN Google Group, Click here.
  • Join the Sun Team! We have assembled a small group of 10-12 people who have a weekly Strategy Team Call on Sunday Evenings. 
  • Looking for volunteers to (a) make phone calls to Sierra Club members in key districts, (b) visit Annapolis and lobby their committee representatives, and (c) attend the hearings on March 5/7 as observers/supporters. 

For more information or to join the Sun Team, please contact Lore Rosenthal, Solar co-lead at  lore@simplicity-matters.org

The Community Cleanup and Greening Act of 2012 (Bag Bill) SB 576/ HB 1086 

This bill establishes a five-cent fee for single use plastic and paper carryout bags with the proceeds to be split among retailers, the Chesapeake Bay Trust, and counties.

This bill will reduce litter in Maryland's neighborhoods and waterways by decreasing plastic bag use 60 percent or more; save retailers money; save consumers money when they avoid the hidden cost of "free" bags in higher prices; and create green jobs by giving counties valuable funds for community investments such as neighborhood greening, stormwater improvements, watershed implementation plans, and more. First hearing, in the Senate on February 26, 2013.

More details can be found at www.TrashFreeMaryland.org

Are you excited about the Session? Does a particular bill interest you? Have a few hours to spare?  

Join the Legislative Team!

We are already working within an exciting session, working on all of our priority bills, plus a few others.

We are looking for a few more members to join the team!

We talk every Tuesday at 7:30 pm, unless otherwise noted. 

For more information, please contact Jenae Ramos, legislative.intern@sierraclub.org.

Thank you for all you do for the Environment!

Chris Hill
Conservation Representative
Maryland Chapter

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Our citizen volunteers and staff work day-by-day to protect the natural places we love and our clean air and water.
We advocate for and work to elect public officials who will vote to protect our natural resources for our families and our future.

Thank you for all your support!

In order to be effective our dedicated environmental activists in Maryland depend on all members for your support and appreciate all donations big and small.