Minutes from the March Executive Committee In-person meeting

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Executive Committee Meeting

Saturday March 23, 2019 - Time 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

GSB Community Board Room 367 Main St. Yarmouth Maine (Otto’s/Inside Handy’s Market

Conf. Call 1-866-501-6174 Code 100 5900#

note - agendas and accompanying materials can be found at https://community.sierraclub.org/apps/groups/maine-excomm

Meeting Agenda

10:05 Convene and Roll Call – Chair: John B. Sue, Zak, Johnathan F. Kelsey, Bev, Olin, Kim. CD Alice

10:10 Community Agreements and meeting intention – Director

10:20 Motions – Chair:

Move by Kelsey to accept and honor Tony’s resignation: all approved except Zak and Olin who abstained.

Move by Kelsey to appoint Sue as interim chair: unanimously approved.

Move by Kelsey to appoint Zak and Tony as legislative team chairs, joining Olin: unanimously approved.

1.Move to tryout the new proposed meeting structure and follow this agenda

2.Approve minutes from last meeting. Sue moved to accept the minutes from the last meeting: unanimously approved.

3)Support LD 1287 – Penobscot River and Bay Sediment Testing – Kim

Kim moves the Sierra Club Maine support LD 1287 with the amendment that dredging permits my be issued to further mercury remediation under the supervision of the federal court: Jonathan F seconds, unanimously approved.

10:40 Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer 10:50 Directors Report - Director

11:00 Additional motions/requests/new business – Chair, ExComm 1) Rail Proposal Support Motion

The Maine Chapter moves to support a resolution put forward by Tony Donovan to support a Green Transportation Plan that focuses on increasing the availability of low carbon low cost mobility options, reduce reliance on single occupancy vehicles, and connect economic centers. This motion builds upon previously stated support for passenger rail with the goal of spurring the development of compact walkable cities.

Kim will talk with Tony regarding two bullet points. The first is to beef up the equity, inclusion and justice principles. The second is to include a bullet supporting the creation of trails where the rail lines will not be used for trains.

2) File Freedom of Information Act

The Maine Chapter shall sponsor a FOA request by Kevin Cassidy to the Army Corps of Engineers requesting any environmental impact statements that are relevant to the waters and wetlands affected by the New England Clean Energy Connect. Moved by Olin, seconded by Jonathan F. Unanimously approved Sierra Club Maine moves to support LD 1198 which creates a democratic process for the election of local water boards. Moved by Sue, seconded by Jonathan F. Unanimously approved.


Nordic aquafarms. There are numerous unanswered questions with regard to the environmental impact of the proposed facility. The Executive Committee feels that there numerous unanswered questions and concerns associated with the facility including the dumping of 7.7 million gallons of water in to Penobscot Bay, the nitrogen composition of the effluent, the corporate greenwashing, the feed source, and the carbon and fisheries impacts.


Sierra Club Maine moves to oppose the Nordic Aquifarm salmon aquaculture facility in Belfast as currently proposed. Moved by Olin, Seconded by Kelsey. Unanimously approved.


Fundraising team:

We need more members.

We need to figure out a speaker and a date for our annual dinner.

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