Executive Committee Minutes - April 2019

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ExComm Sierra Club Maine meeting

April 25, 2019

Chair Levene called the meeting to order at 6pm.

Attending members: Brautigan, Jenner, Johnson, Fulford, Kelly, Ringelstein, Roxby, Tucker. Also, Alice Elliott, Becky Bartovics and Denny Gallaudet

A motion to approve the minutes of the March 2019 was seconded and adopted unanimously. This motion included a e-mail meeting during the month to approve payment of a travel reimbursement request by Olin Jenner that included payment of roundtrip airfare to Washington, DC. In the normal course, the volunteer reimbursement policy does not permit airfare reimbursement; air travel arrangements must be made in advance through the Sierra Club travel agency.

Chair Levene incorporated the Chapter’s community agreements by reference and proposed adding a commitment to start and end meetings on time.

The only question about the previously circulated March Treasurer’s Report was from Becky Bartovics on the status of the March appeal. Treasurer Gallaudet reported that as of April 25, 2019 the total received was $3,857.

A tentative slate for the 2019 Nominating Committee was proposed as: Becky Bartovics, Kelsey Johnson and Ken Spalding. As Ken had not yet been contacted, Dot Kelly made a motion to approve the slate of Bartovics and Johnson, seconded by Kelsey Johnson and to fill the third seat at the next meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Bev Roxby provided an update on arrangements for the May 4 Conference in Belfast and encouraged all ExComm members to attend if possible.

Olin Jenner and Zak Ringelstein presented a request by the Legislative Team for an increase in its 2019 budget of $8,000. This increase is needed to enter into a $5,000 lobbying contract with the Howe firm in addition to expenses of approximately $3,700 as of 4/25/19 and also estimated expenses for the balance of 2019. Chair Levene proposed an increase to $9,500 which increase would be funded by a reduction of $500 in the budget of the Energy Team and $1,000 in the budget of the Green Transportation Team.

Dot Kelly made a motion to accept this amended budget, seconded by Olin Jenner. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Denny Gallaudet


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