Land Conservation

Land Conservation

Land Conservation

We must protect 30% of lands by 2030 to fight the climate and extinction crisis. Protecting wild places will keep drilling and logging from dumping pollution into the air, sequester emissions, provide protection from extreme weather, homes for wildlife, and opportunities for people to enjoy the outdoors together.


Paria Rimrocks, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

About Our Program

Our campaign focuses on protecting lands as a climate solution. Safeguarding these places will reduce our carbon pollution and conserve these places for future generations.

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Help save Our Wild America

Our natural heritage is threatened by mining, drilling, and the devastating effects of climate disruption. We must protect our land and water so plants and animals can survive and thrive for generations to come.


Protecting at least 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030 can fight the climate crisis, protect clean air and water, and provide endless ecological benefits.

August 3, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On the one-year anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) becoming law, the Sierra Club called on Congress and President Biden to build on the law’s base and take big, bold action in order to secure a livable and…

20 de julio de 2021

Del 17 al 25 de julio, el Sierra Club se unirá a las celebraciones de la Semana de Conservación Latina —una serie de eventos patrocinados por la Hispanic Access Foundation para promocionar el acceso a la naturaleza de la comunidad latina y…

July 20, 2021

Oakland, CA— From July 17-25, 2021, Sierra Club will join Latino Conservation Week celebrations— a week of events sponsored by the Hispanic Access Foundation to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities…

July 19, 2021

BOISE, ID — Citing risk to federally protected species, today ten groups filed a notice of intent to sue the state of Idaho in response to the state’s newest wolf hunting laws. 

July 8, 2021

Washington, DC— The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will vote next week on the confirmation of Tracy Stone-Manning as Director of the Bureau of Land Management. Last month, more than 100 local and national conservation organizations…