Press Releases

13 de abril de 2022

Una coalición de organizaciones ambientales demandó a la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) debido a que ha incumplido los mandatos de la Regla de Neblina Regional como prescribe la Ley de Aire Limpio.

12 de abril de 2022

La administración Biden anunció hoy el Reto America the Beautiful (América la Bella), una iniciativa de $1.000 millones para acelerar la conservación de terrenos, agua y vida silvestre por todo Estados Unidos.

April 11, 2022

Today, the Biden Administration announced the America the Beautiful Challenge, a $1 billion initiative to accelerate land, water, and wildlife conservation efforts across the United States. The initiative will be based on a public-private partnership to be administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, supported by an initial commitment of $440 million of federal funding.

April 7, 2022

Today, the Recovering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA) passed out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee with a 15-5 vote. This historic bipartisan bill would invest nearly $1.4 billion for states, territories, and Tribes to amplify their work in recovering, conserving, and protecting at-risk wildlife and habitat.

March 30, 2022

We must protect 30% of lands and waters in the United States by 2030, also known as ‘America the Beautiful.’ In addition to fighting the climate crisis, conserving more nature provides a myriad of health benefits, protections for vulnerable wildlife and plant species, diversification and growth of local economies, and communities’ increased access to nature. The Sierra Club calls on the Department of the Interior (DOI) to act quickly and protect 30% of this nation's lands by 2030.

March 30, 2022

New Mexico is seeing record-breaking heat, drought and water insecurity, and more frequent and intense wildfires. From wilderness to local parks, safeguarding more greenspace and water will help us fight these effects of climate change. In New Mexico, that means protecting 30% of lands and waters by 2030, also known as ‘America the Beautiful.’ In addition to taking on the climate crisis, conserving more nature provides a myriad of health benefits, protections for vulnerable wildlife and plant species, diversification and growth of local economies, and increased access to nature for…

March 26, 2022

Today, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland visited Castner Range, where she was invited by local community groups belonging to the Castner Range Coalition, as they continue their 50 year campaign to permanently protect the site and advocate for its designation as a national monument.

15 de febrero de 2022

Una coalición de más de 70 grupos ambientales lanzó la llamada Campaña de Bosques Climáticos (Climate Forest Campaign), instando a la administración Biden a que actúe ejecutivamente para proteger los bosques ancestrales y árboles maduros, los cuales son cruciales en la lucha contra el cambio climático.

January 31, 2022

Today, the Department of the Interior announced $1.15 billion in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for states to clean up inactive oil and gas wells on federal lands.

28 de enero de 2022

La Corte de Distrito de DC invalidó anoche la decisión del Departamento del Interior (DI) de ofrecer 80 millones de acres del Golfo de México para arrendamientos petroleros y gasíferos, una victoria crucial en la defensa de las comunidades de la región y del planeta contra el empeoramiento de la crisis climática.