Get Outside

January 28 - Icicle Hike at Blackacre Waterfall Trail

Past Outings

July Outing: A Stroll through Moss Gibbs Woodland Garden 

Saturday, July 23
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Click here to register

Our walk will be about a mile and a half of open trail in the Parklands of Floyds Fork. Please register in advance for this outing.   “Blessed with ideal soils, centuries of growth, and breathtaking angles of sunlight, the 15 acres of the Moss Gibbs Woodland Garden reveal the seasonal contrasts and luminous qualities of Kentucky's living woodland. Take in the views of Floyds Fork falling beyond the ridges, but watch out for steps and uneven surfaces. For the safety and enjoyment of visitors, the garden is for hiking only; no bikes or dogs allowed.”

May 21, 2022 - Day-hike to Nine Penny Branch State Nature Preserve

Fern   selfie   


February 5, 2022 - Annual Icicle Hike




By Jeremy Covert

Greater Louisville Sierra Club met on a crisp yet comfortable morning on February 8th at Big Rock to explore the natural beauty of Cherokee Park. In particular we were looking for ‘icicles’ known to appear from water seeping over exposed rock ledges in the winter. Due to unusually warm temperatures and the comfortable hiking weather we didn’t see a lot icicles—but we found exactly what we were looking for: an amazing day walking around with a wonderful group of people and lots of things to see!

The park was designed in 1891 by Fredrick Law Olmsted. It is a 409 acre park with beautiful rolling hills bisected by the lovely Beargrass Creek. Its hardwood forests and open hillsides have been a popular destination for Louisvillians since its creation.


We didn’t see a lot of icicles its true—but we did find a couple! As you can see we posed with a token small frozen stalactite (what a good looking crew!). We did however see some mallards, red and gray squirrels, and a multitude of birds, including a red tail hawk family group which we were able to watch for some time at a very close distance. We were even gifted with a view of a small herd of deer running through the golf course. A lucky day indeed for animal viewing in the heart of Louisville, KY!

On the hike we shared stories about our travels, had several quiet group moments with animals, found our icicle, and were thankful for this wonderful natural space located in our community. There was even an impromptu tree hugging… And we even had a little bit of excitement when one of our hikers sole de-laminated from her boot! Aging hiking boots soles CAN and DO de-laminate. She walked home in broken boots but it did NOT interfere with the day.


It was the exact type of experience Frank L. Olmsted had in mind when he put pencil to paper to design this amazing park! Thank you to Drew and Terrell for putting this wonderful trip together!

 Upcoming Outings

GLSC has several dynamic and qualified outings leaders.  We offer outings for everyone, from strolling in our wonderful public parks to wilderness treks where we navigate with map and compass.  All upcoming outings are posted on the group calendar.

There are women and one man standing in hiking gear on a grassy hilltop. A second man is squatting and petting a dog.

Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO)

The ICO program is intended to serve young people who have not had the opportunity to experience nature other than in their neighborhoods. The Greater Louisville Group has been active in the ICO program for over 10 years. Contact us if you are interested in volunteering or if you have a group that wants to participate.

If you have leadership skills and are inspired by helping young people, please email or call 502 649-0139.

Become an Outings Leader!

If you are willing to lead an outdoor event, such as a walk/hike of one hour, all-day, or overnight, or biking, canoeing, etc., we would love to have your participation.  Please talk to Terrell Holder or Drew Foley.