Who We Are

yellow sunflowers - welcome to SC KS Chapter

Chapter Officers - elected by executive committee

Chairs - Stuart Bolt and Yvonne Cather
Vice-Chair - Dawn Hawkins
Secretary - vacant
Assistant Secretary - vacant
Treasurer - Scott Smith
Assistant Treasurer - Yvonne Cather
CCL Delegate - Yvonne Cather

Executive Committee - elected by chapter members

Steve Baru - Overland Park (2024-2025)
Stuart Bolt - Wichita (2023-2024)
Yvonne Cather - Wichita (2022-2023)
Mimi Moffat - Leawood (2024-2025)
Kent Rowe - Wichita  (2022-2023)
Elliot Skinner - Olathe (2023-2024)
J. Scott Smith - Manhattan (2024-2025)
Adrian Walker - Manhattan  (2023-2024)


Chapter Delegates 2022 - elected by group executive committees

Flint Hills Group - Gerry Snyder/Bill Heatherman (Manhattan)
Kanza Group - Tim McCoy/John Neuberger (Overland Park)
Southwind Group - Yvonne Cather/Jennifer Connelly (Wichita)
Topeka Group - Chris Hamilton  (Topeka)
Wakarusa Group - Nancy Muma/Kathleen Harned  (Lawrence)

Chapter Lobbyist: Zack Pistora

Beyond Coal Campaign Kansas: Ty Gorman and Zack Pistora