Chapter Chair Elaine Says Hasta La Vista to Sierra Club Friends

woman with camera and black and white dog
Elaine Giessel and Holly in Colorado / Photo by Richard Voss

By Elaine Giessel, Sierra Club Kansas Chapter

Later this month, I will be ending my term on the Kansas Chapter Executive Committee and vacating the Chair. It’s been a challenging job as Sierra Club has grappled with membership engagement issues during the extended COVID-19 pandemic.

During this time, the national organization has been planning a complex restructuring effort which includes funding to enable every Chapter to hire staff. The Kansas Chapter is near the top of the list. The incoming ExCom members will have to prepare for adjustment to a new Midwest regional hub structure.

It’s appropriate that this year be one of transition as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Kansas Chapter. There will always be change as Sierra Club continues to evolve but the focus now is on building stronger chapters nationwide. In support of this effort, the new Executive Director of Sierra Club Ben Jealous plans to visit Kansas this year.

Kansas Chapter priorities and commitment are not likely to change, although there may be an opportunity to create a statewide outings program with assistance from national. More than ever, to be successful, we will need our members and supporters to back us financially and to be active on behalf of the environment, both locally and in the State House.

It’s clear that the 2024 elections will be critical to protecting the environment. The single most important thing you can do for the future of Earth is to vote for candidates at all levels of government who will commit to fighting the climate crisis. Get registered and help get out the vote.

Finally, as many of you are already aware, I will be moving in a few months to Trinidad, Colorado, near the New Mexico border. It’s been a great learning experience in the Heartland for this marine biologist, but the mountains are calling.  Time to start a new chapter in my own life.

Thank you for the opportunity to collaborate with you all. Together we can make a difference, for our families and for our future.

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