Featured Waypoint: Kansas Wetlands Education Center

brown birds in wetlands
Marbled Godwits at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge/Photo US FIsh and Wildlife Service

In 2022, the Kansas Wetlands Education Center (KWEC) received international recognition as one of the world’s best wetland visitors’ centers when it was named a Star Wetland Centre by Wetland Link International. | Press release

KWEC opened in April 2009, partnering with Fort Hays State University, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and The Nature Conservancy. Its focus is public education on the need for conservation of our interior wetlands, including nearby Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, critical stopovers in the Central Flyway. 

When you visit, don’t miss the Wetland Wonders Birding Trail, a 100-mile loop with stops in the wetlands and the promise of many seasonal wildlife sightings.

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