Sunflower Plant Remediation Update 2023

Sunflower Ammunition Plant billboard in green field
US Army photo

By Elaine Giessel, Chair, Sierra Club Kansas Chapter

The Kansas Sierra Club has been involved in the past with a community advisory group to the U.S. Army on the former Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant (SFAAP). Known as a Restoration Advisory Board, the RAB's  purpose is to ensure that Johnson County residents have enough information to make informed decisions about the future of the site.

On June 14, 2023, the Army held a second public meeting in DeSoto, Kansas to provide the local community with the latest update and an opportunity for public questions and comments about the cleanup. The meeting recording is available on YouTube. 

The Kansas Reflector provided a summary of the meeting, in which citizens raised concerns about contamination of soils and groundwater.   

For a more comprehensive story: Sunflower Ammunition Plant Redevelopment | Sierra Club

The Army will officially solicit for interest in re-forming the RAB in January 2024. A form will be available to complete and return if you are interested in volunteering.  Insufficient community interest was expressed last year.

For more information, visit the Army's sunflower website or contact the Army personnel shown below who oversee the project.

Scott Smith, BRAC Site Manager
(913) 948-9615

Ian Thomas, BRAC Program Manager
(703) 545-2536

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