Get Involved - Become a Sierra Club Leader

Chalkboard with word on it next to a pair of books
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By Mimi Moffat, Chapter Nominations and Elections Chair

If you've been around for a while, you know that we're a volunteer-led organization. We have no chapter staff. We do the fundraising, handle our finances, maintain our website, produce a monthly newsletter, make political endorsements, manage litigation, protect "Wild Kansas," and more, all in support of our mission. We educate, advocate, and litigate to protect the environment.

Our environmental work can't happen without this grassroots administrative support. I've said before that Sierra Club is like cilantro, it's not for everyone. But maybe you can channel your inner administrator next month and figure out how you can help us grow and thrive.

If you have office skills or are willing to learn, we can find a place for you. Are you a hiking enthusiast? You could be trained to manage Sierra Club outings. We need your passion and your commitment. Think about it. You can't fill it out it yet, but here's the application.



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