Celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd and Every Day

Earth Day Every Day - Yellow tulips and green leaves
Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

This year marks the 53rd celebration of Earth Day. Kansas Sierra Club has planned several excellent in-person programs around the State, which should also be available via Zoom. See the Chapter Calendar for details. 

The Topeka Group has volunteered to table for Sierra Club at the Topeka Zoo. If you are in the area, drop by and share your passion for the planet.

Sierra Club Earth Day and Earth Day 2023 have details on other local celebrations. Scroll down to search on the interactive maps.

From Eva Hernandez, Sierra Club Managing Director:

We know that we are up against a lot – working to turn the tide on climate change and confront the pervasive culture of extraction that puts profit over people. Creating a future that works for all of us will require all of us as we work to protect air, land, water and wildlife; get outside; transform our energy systems; and act for justice. 

Thanks for being part of this fight for our future, in every big and small way.

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