Kanza Event: Pollinators and Pesticides

Beekeeper with protective hat holding bee swarm
Photo courtesy of Judy Wu-Smart

DATE: January 10, 2023  |   Program time: 7 p.m.  |  Social Time: 6:45 p.m.  |   LOCATION: Zoom only
RSVP by 5:00 pm on 1/10/2023 to receive an email link to the meeting.

 Struggling bees, systemic pesticide pollution, and the health of our communities

Bees are biological indicators, the proverbial “canaries in the coal mine.” They inform us about the status of the environment. The loss of bee colonies nationwide may be tied to the overuse of pesticides in agricultural, industrial, and urban settings, which can cause major environmental, ecological, and human health concerns.

 Speaker Dr. Judy Wu-Smart is an Associate Professor & Extension Specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bee Lab where she and her team have been developing a robust pollinator health program within the Great Plains region to help beekeepers, scientists, policy makers, homeowners, and land managers understand the underlying stressors challenging bee health, such as exposure to pesticides.

RSVP: Kanza: Pollinators and Pesticides 

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