Chapter Event: Addressing the Climate Crisis with the Inflation Reduction Act

September 13, 2022 | 7 pm on Zoom| Join us at 6:45 pm for some social time
RSVP HERE required for Zoom link, which will be mailed after 5 pm to registrants
Cost: Free but could save you some money!

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes more than 100 programs that will invest about $369 billion in climate action, clean energy jobs, and environmental justice. Collectively, these unprecedented investments will put us on a path to cutting climate pollution by 40% by 2030 while creating over 9 million family-sustaining jobs over the next decade and advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice. The act also includes funding to track its labor, equity, and environmental standards and impacts to enable oversight and accountability.

Kansas Chapter lobbyist Zack Pistora will share insights on the tangible benefits that families and communities might see from these investments. 




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