2022 Kanza Candidate Statements

Green ballot box for Kansas Sierra Club

Skinner, Elliot
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Kanza ExCom and hope to continue as a member of the ExCom. Preserving the environment and ensuring that policy decisions are made with an equity lens, and ample input from impacted communities have always been at the forefront of my mind. We are in the midst of a critical time for the Sierra Club as well as for the future of the environment as well as our children. I look forward to serving the Kanza Group's membership and the planet in whatever capacity I am needed. My belief is the Sierra Club needs to be a leader addressing climate change while finding a way to educate and engage all members of society.

Bauman, Alan
I am Alan Bauman. I am running for the Chapter, and KANZA group executive boards. I have been a member of the Sierra Club since 1990. I have served the Chapter and KANZA executive committees for the last 4 years. I believe the greatest challenge facing the Sierra Club and humanity is Climate Change. I have and will continue to generate political will to address Climate Change. STATE  Chair of Legislative Committee-Opposed anti renewable measures in Topeka. Supported Governor Kelly’s veto of a bill to limit local plastics bans. Will introduce legislation in 2023 to further Sierra Environmental causes. Serve on Political Committee-Endorsed state legislators, federal candidates. KANZA Political Committee-Endorsed JOCO Board Commissioners, who supported utility scale solar in JOCO.

Draper, Harold
I want to continue working with the Kanza Group to be a player in resolving environmental issues in eastern Kansas. Kanza Group should be involved in the climate, renewable energy, environmental justice, and water issues facing the Kansas City metropolitan area. It can do this by participating in the regional efforts--serving on committees, being present at county commission and city meetings, and supporting local initiatives.

McCoy, Tim
I currently serve on the Kanza Board and hope to continue in that role. I am a dedicated public servant in my day job. Through Sierra Club I am able to act as a private citizen and serve in a different capacity. I believe the biodiversity crisis and climate emergency are two of the most pressing issues affecting the here and now. We must act before it's too late. I hold a Masters Degree in Conservation Biology and many years experience in conservation work. Sierra Club is a natural extension of my belief and passion for saving our planet. I ask for your vote to help me continue to be an engaged board member. Thank you.

Giessel, Elaine
I am a life member of Sierra Club, an environmental educator and marine ecologist. I currently serve as Chair of the Kansas Chapter. Nationally, I am on the Water Sentinels and the Marine Action Teams. My goal is to make water issues a higher priority in Sierra Club. I've led efforts to protect “Wild Kansas” and serve on the Non-game Wildlife Advisory Council to Kansas Dept. of Wildlife and Parks. I serve on the KC Metro area Local Emergency Planning Committee, where I have worked to help protect Wyandotte Co. communities from chemical emergencies. If elected, I can continue my work to protect public health and the environment in the name of Sierra Club. I would also be happy to mentor some new activists so I can retire!

Hopkins, Fred
I am currently on the Kanza ExCom (secretary), and I am running for another term. If reelected to the Executive Committee, I will continue to participate in meetings and activities. I am retirement age, and mostly retired. My college degree was in biology with a strong supporting area in chemistry. I have worked solo, in small companies, in big companies, and in huge companies. I am comfortable leading or following … talking or listening. In past positions, I was responsible for a broad range of compliance documentation, chemical labeling, authoring safety data sheets, safety training and many other roles for about 19 years for three different water treatment chemical divisions/companies.