2022 Chapter ExCom Candidate Statements

Green ballot box for Kansas Sierra Club

Statements are shown in random order

Skinner, Elliot (chapter and Kanza)
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Kanza ExCom and hope to continue as a member of the ExCom. Preserving the environment and ensuring that policy decisions are made with an equity lens, and ample input from impacted communities have always been at the forefront of my mind. We are in the midst of a critical time for the Sierra Club as well as for the future of the environment as well as our children. I look forward to serving the Kanza Group's membership and the planet in whatever capacity I am needed. My belief is the Sierra Club needs to be a leader addressing climate change while finding a way to educate and engage all members of society.

Walker, Adrian (chapter)
It is time to take care of the world around us. I believe strongly that we must encourage the young to become involved and lead this process. The younger generations want to be impactful; Sierra Club can provide an established mentor program for them. As a professor of microbiology and biology I know students are begging for some type of organized assistance as they work to make a positive impact on the environment. My goal is to involve more of the younger generation, as they understand and are not resistant to the science of climate change and environmental protection. The young speak of saving the earth and recognize the need for environmental justice for all humans. Sierra Club can partner with the young, develop leadership, and impact planning for the future.

Bolt, Stuart (chapter and Southwind)
I have been honored to serve as an ExCom member, in the past, and I wish to serve you, again. There are battles that we must take on to protect our earth. I will do my hardest to keep our officials working to make the world a better place. We have seen a significant loss of members. We need to strategize on membership. We need to find innovative solutions to get more members. I would like to see more & varied outings. I would like to hear from the you about program suggestions and conservation issues that you feel are important. I would like to see the Sierra Club in more public events, when possible. It is important that the public know that we are here and will be doing our best to protect the environment. Vote for me and I will continue to work to make the Sierra Club better for you.

Snyder, Gerry (chapter)
I am excited about the Kansas Sierra Club and what they do to advocate for Kansas environmental issues. Green energy equates to green jobs. Sustainable agriculture and communities are a large part of Kansas life. As a 20+ year member of the Sierra Club, I will continue to communicate and educate to Kansans the importance of these values through offering of local programs, activities and promotion using social media.

Bauman (chapter and Kanza)
I am Alan Bauman. I am running for the Chapter, and KANZA group executive boards. I have been a member of the Sierra Club since 1990. I have served the Chapter and KANZA executive committees for the last 4 years. I believe the greatest challenge facing the Sierra Club and humanity is Climate Change. I have and will continue to generate political will to address Climate Change. STATE  Chair of Legislative Committee-Opposed anti renewable measures in Topeka. Supported Governor Kelly’s veto of a bill to limit local plastics bans. Will introduce legislation in 2023 to further Sierra Environmental causes. Serve on Political Committee-Endorsed state legislators, federal candidates. KANZA Political Committee-Endorsed JOCO Board Commissioners, who supported utility scale solar in JOCO.

Lubow, Craig (chapter)
I have served on the Chapter and Group ex-committees intermittently for thirty years. I also host an environmental show on KKFI Radio. As an ex-com member and a radio show host, this creates a mutually beneficial relationship. I have also participated in a few lobby days in Washington D.C. Please consider voting for me.


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