People and Prairies: Preservation of the Chiwaukee Prairie

Dana Carrigan


Sunday Speaker Series
October 15: Preservation of the Chiwaukee Prairie

Located in southeast Wisconsin along the Lake Michigan shoreline, the Chiwaukee Prairie offers a rare opportunity to see a Midwestern landscape in its natural, untouched state. The 485-acre preserve—part of an internationally recognized wetland of importance—is home to more than 400 plant species, 75 species of grassland and wetland birds, and numerous reptiles, amphibians and small mammals.

Dana Garrigan, professor of Biological Conservation at Carthage College, will join us on October 15 to talk about the history and environmental wonders of this Ramsar site. He also promises to dazzle us with incredible photos of the site’s fauna and flora.

Register now to join us on October 15.

Local citizens began working to preserve Chiwaukee Prairie in 1965. Local citizens continue to play a critical role in protecting Chiwaukee Prairie today—removing invasive species, helping burn the prairie to keep it healthy, and spreading the word to engage more people in caring for this special place.

This presentation is another in a series of family-friendly programs sponsored by the Woods & Wetlands Group. The programs are held at 7 p.m. on the second or third Sunday of each month. Programs are free and open to the public. Advance registration is required to get the login instructions.

Register for October 15 presentation.


Photo by Dana Garrigan