October Summit Tackles Water Affordability

National Water Sentinals' Water Affordability in 2021 virtual summitMillions of people in our country do not have safe, reliable, and affordable water services. Some places have never had adequate water and wastewater infrastructure, while other places struggle with aging systems, unaffordable rates, and poor water quality. With implementation of the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts and infrastructure funding, there are opportunities to work on this issue.

Sierra Club's National Water Sentinals team is ready to engage—with Water Affordability in 2021. The three-day virtual summit, Oct. 22-24, will feature presentations on what can be done to make water affordable and safe and to build infrastructure based on protecting water quality and equity.

Presentations are open to Sierra Club activists (new and current), staff, and active partners in frontline communities that are—or anticipate—working to ensure affordable water rates for safe drinking water and to meet clean water standards. Presentations will take place on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon. Registrants may attend one or all sessions.

Speakers may include:

  • Lee Wagner, SRF Nonpoint Source Program Manager, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
  • Theresa Enright, Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF Program Coordinator, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
  • Janet Clements, Director, Water Economics and Planning, Corona Environmental Consulting
  • Anthony Diaz, Newark Water Coalition
  • Gerry Pollet, Representative, Washington Legislature, University of Washington School of Public Health
  • Dr. Kahreen Tebeau, Senior Policy Advisor, Seattle Public Utilities/City of Seattle
  • Rachel Rosenfeld, Online Organizer, Sierra Club, Pennsylvania Chapter
  • Katy Hansen, Senior Policy Advisor, Environmental Policy Innovation Center
  • Dalal Aboulhosn, Acting Deputy Director of Policy, Advocacy and Legal, Sierra Club

Register here to receive event details, including agenda and Zoom link.