Save Illinois' Air Protections

Save Illinois' Air Protections


If fossil fuel interests & Governor Rauner get their way, there’ll be a lot more dangerous pollution in Illinois’ air! 

Dynegy, the Texas-based corporation that owns the majority of the aging coal plants in Central and Southern Illinois, is working behind closed doors with Rauner's administration to rewrite State air pollution rules to allow them to double the amount of dangerous pollution they can spew into our air 

Attend upcoming Illinois Pollution Control Board hearing and tell regulators to not let polluters off the hook! 

WHAT: Save Illinois' Air Protections (Edwarsdville Hearing) 
WHEN: Tuesday, March 6th (time tbd) 
WHERE: Madison County Board Room, 157 Main Street, Edwardsville, IL 

FREE T-Shirts to the first 50 attendees! 

For more info contact: or 208-818-4626