Clean Air

In the United States, low income Black and Brown communities are already more likely to suffer the impacts from permitted pollution from petroleum facilities and other polluting industries. In addition to these known and well documented disparities, regulators have allowed for even more pollution to be released onto these overburdened communities through regulatory loopholes in the Clean Air Act known as Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction, (SSM) leaving communities exposed to dangerous levels of toxic air pollution from multiple sources. Sierra Club and partners are working to ensure EPA implements strong rule-making that eliminates SSM loopholes and prioritizes the most impacted people by upholding equal protection laws. Dozens of community and environmental groups have called on President Biden to close SSM loopholes and end free passes to pollute.

EPA allows facilities like power plants and factories to emit as much pollution as they like during periods of Start-up, Shutdown, and Malfunctions. The amount of pollution emitted during so-called “SSM events” can be 100s to 1000s of times higher than normal operations.

Did you know that there are deadly loopholes in the EPA and state Clean Air Act rules? The Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction loopholes allow polluters to ignore their permitted emission limitations -- and of course they take advantage of this! The consequences are even more deadly air pollution dumped on communities near plants and factories -- who already suffer the greatest burden from these poisons. It's time to close the loopholes! The Sierra Club has partnered with Earthjustice and community activists to create a video to shed light on this issue, and galvanize action to close the SSM loopholes.

September 11, 2018

Yesterday, communities across Western Pennsylvania filed a joint protest of Shell Pipeline Company’s effort to build the Falcon Ethane Pipeline without any air pollution limits.

March 13, 2018

Today, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt told Bloomberg News that he does not plan to extend clean car standards implemented by the Obama administration past 2025. He also suggested that he would not allow California to issue their own, stricter standards to manage air quality within the state, though he’d previously claimed that the state’s waiver to do so would be protected.

February 21, 2018

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Even as Duke is asking for rate increases on families and businesses to pay for its statewide coal ash cleanup, the utility has now announced a $200 million dollar plan to convert the four coal units at the Marshall Steam Station to burn a mix of coal and fracked gas.

January 24, 2018

Memphis, Tenn. — A new report shows that the White Bluff and Independence coal-fired power plants operated by the largest utility in Arkansas, Entergy, emit enough pollution to raise the levels of unhealthy ozone smog in the Memphis area.

December 18, 2017

A new report demonstrates that two power plants operated by Entergy, the largest utility in Arkansas, are emitting enough pollution to make the unhealthy ozone smog problems worse in the St. Louis area. The report shows that smog-forming emissions from the Entergy White Bluff and Independence coal plants are elevating ozone levels by more than 4 times the amount public health agencies qualify as significant amount. Moreover, the plants are significantly impacting St. Louis ozone levels around 22 days per summer. These dangerous emissions of smog causing Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) could be reduced…

November 30, 2017

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a rich history of improving air and water quality throughout the US, but the Trump Administration has proposed slashing the Agency’s budget by 31 percent. These cuts would cause significant harm here in Nevada. This Friday, former EPA staff and clean air advocates will speak to defend the Agency, which was created 47 years ago on December 2nd, 1970, by Republican President Richard Nixon.

November 7, 2017

Today, as the State of California agreed to adhere to a specific timeline for Salton Sea restoration projects over the coming years, a coalition of environmental groups reminded policymakers that the clock is still ticking toward an ominous Dec. 31 deadline when required water deliveries will cease to be delivered to the Sea. Representatives of Sierra Club, Audubon California, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Pacific Institute emphasized that the state needs to begin work on the ground immediately to avert a public health disaster and destruction of vital habitat for migratory birds.

January 10, 2017

Yesterday, a federal appellate court ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had the legal authority to take action against DTE Energy after the company put public health at risk by failing to apply for a New Source Review (NSR) permit under the Clean Air Act.

March 8, 2017

Philadelphia, P.A.--The state of Connecticut filed a notice of intent to sue due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s failure to address a Good Neighbor Petition filed by the state in July of 2016. Both Connecticut and Delaware filed Good Neighbor petitions stating that the Brunner Island power plant, located in Pennsylvania, is interfering with the state’s ability to comply with the ozone safeguards in the Clean Air Act. Smog-causing NOx pollution from this plant has not only been contaminating Pennsylvania’s air, but also Connecticut’s and Delaware’s.

February 28, 2017

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDATE: Wednesday, March 1, 2017CONTACT: Shawn Dhanak, 517-449-0402, ***MEDIA ADVISORY FOR MARCH 3 AT 9 AM*** Southern California Air Regulators to Take Final Vote in Major Showdown Over Air Quality Plan