
Webinars, Power Points and Films have described the harm caused by sewage wastes.

Webinar: "Toxic Farmland'" https://drive.google.com/file/d/10DZBVCGUaoSnDB3xumpd0bEeMQvGMC-x/view?usp=sharing  (2023). Sierra Club activists are assisting Michigan farmers whose lives were ruined after PFAS in biosolids contaminated their land, food and cattle.

Webinar:  "SEWAGE SLUDGE ‘FERTILIZER’ CONTAMINATES FARMS WITH TOXIC PFAS." (2023) Atlantic Chapter Sierra Club https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJgQwvC9-9U 

 Webinar:  “What Is Good Compost? “   (2021)  An introduction to the questions communities need to ask to implement safe commercial composting practices that ensure environmental benefits and protection of human health.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X04M_L69xG8  

Webinar : -"PFAS in Biosolids" .  (2019).  Information about what we know about contamination from PFAS - the many perfluorinated chemicals now found globally in water, air, food, wildlife - even in people.  Download

Power Point for Water Sentinels- How to test waters for polluiton

Water Sentinel Powerpoint.pptx3.22 MB

3.22 MB

What Lies Upstream

A grant from the Sierra Club enabled the Waste Water Team to rent the award-winning PBS documentary film, What Lies Upstream.. .  https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/what-lies-upstream/

The Team gave minigrants to Sierra Club.groups and chapters who hosted public screenings and discussions of the documentary.  This grant paid for 12 licenses for the film, the rental of meeting places, refreshments, and modest honorariums to speakers who could leading a discussion after the showing.  More than 350 people -- Sierra Club members, public officials, academics, and members of the general public -- participated in these events and received the WRCT’s Brochure: "What lies upstream? Suggestions for Citizen Action: Protecting Your Community’s Water From Industrial Residuals And Other Sources of Chemical Contamination."