Press Releases

March 4, 2024

Announcement Puts Asset Manager's Poor Climate Practices in the Spotlight

February 21, 2024

Sierra Club analysis details the growing role of bond financing in propping up companies behind carbon bombs like the Willow Project, Mountain Valley Pipeline

February 15, 2024

NEW YORK — Today it was reported that JPMorgan Asset Management and State Street Global Advisors are departing from the Climate Action 100+ initiative, which comprises hundreds of institutional investors with tens of trillions of dollars under management that have committed to engage with major corporate polluters on climate disclosures and actions.

February 9, 2024

Fossil fuel financing restrictions contrast with lack of progress, backtracking from U.S. banks

February 5, 2024

Letter to major global financial firms follows dramatic change in U.S. policy on the LNG sector

February 4, 2024

World’s fourth biggest fossil fuel funder weakens exclusions for highly destructive, risky projects

January 31, 2024

Proposals filed at JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, RBC

January 23, 2024

Analysis reveals pensions failing to protect beneficiaries from climate-related financial risk

December 15, 2023

Council recommends continued state, federal agency coordination on identifying and assessing risk

December 7, 2023

Banks risk stranded assets, climate catastrophe in steel lending without exclusions