Alachua County Commissioners Stakeholder Workshop to assess the Special Area Study for proposed development on FCL Timber, Land & Cattle, LLLP Property (aka, Lee Property and Hickory Sink Strategic Ecosystem)
In-depth planning process used to address unique circumstances or issues
• Process is required prior to land use or zoning change, or development application for:
– Strategic Ecosystems
– New rural residential subdivisions more than 100 lots
County Commission Decision on Special Area Study to be considered at October 11th Meeting at 5:00 p.m.
• The BoCC must consider whether to accept the Special Area Study and whether to authorize any specific follow-up recommendations or strategies that have been identified as part of the study (Sec. 402.101(f), ULDC)
• In accepting the Special Area Study, the Board would be accepting the delineation of Strategic Ecosystem set-aside areas for permanent protection. Areas not delineated for permanent protection may be eligible for development
• Specific development types, densities, and intensities would be proposed and determined through a Special Area Plan based on data and analysis in the next step of the process
• Special Area Plan would involve proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments and possible zoning changes and land development regulation amendments

Study identifies 3 potential land use scenarios for property:
1. “No Build” – Continued agricultural and silvicultural use of property
2. “By Right” – Clustered rural residential development
3. “Master Planning” – Several clusters of mixed-use urban development
• “No Build” and “By Right” scenarios are allowable under the County’s adopted Comprehensive Plan and zoning
• “Master Planning” scenario would require significant amendments to the County’s adopted Comprehensive Plan to allow for urban development outside of the Urban Cluster
Additional Directions: Alachua County Administration Building