The Story of Plastic

We are in a plastic crisis.  Plastic pollution is everywhere we look, smothering our oceans and poisoning communities around the world. Meanwhile, Big Plastic only plans to expand production. We need to chart a different course.

We invite you to watch “The Story of Plastic”, produced by The Story of Stuff Project and Break Free From Plastic, where activists from all over the world draw back the curtain on the true cost of plastic pollution and talk about solutions.

We are offering this free “virtual” community viewing for a limited time only in mid-June. You can sign up by contacting Amanda Waddle who will send you a link to the movie. You will have between 48 & 72 hours to view the film on your own.

After watching the movie, if you are interested in participating in a post-screening discussion (limited to ~15 individuals) on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2020 at 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm, let Amanda know by emailing her a second time. 

Amanda Waddle is a SSJ Sierra Club member and she became a core member of Break Free From Plastic last year because of the work she does as the Director of Zero Waste at The Repurpose Project. Amanda has also been an advocate for source reduction of plastic as an Ambassador for the 5 Gyres Institute and she also helps run Zero Waste Gainesville.

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