Gainesville 100% Updates

We scored a major victory in 2018 when the City of Gainesville unanimously passed a resolution committing to providing 100 percent of its energy from renewable resources by 2045.

We are now in the process of setting our 2019 goals and creating strategies for working on these goals:

  • Get Alachua County and other local cities to commit to Ready for 100
  • Get municipal committments to ensure all public buildings are powered by clean renewable energy by 2035
  • Get UF to uphold their sustainability agreements and to contract with GRU when contract with Duke expires
  • Advocate for
    • Better local Electric Vehicle support and policy
    • Greener public transportation
    • Energy efficiency issues as applied to affordable housing
  • Work with UAB to develop GRU/City energy policies
  • Community Projects
    • Community Solar demonstration
    • Solar Coop
    • Solar Home & Business Tour
    • Climate Victory Gardens
  • Micro loan Financing for efficiency updates

If you have interest or expertise in these areas, please get in touch – we can use your help to accomplish this ambitious list!


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