Beyond Coal Speaks With Lakeland Electric Leaders

Beyond Coal Speaks With Lakeland Electric Leaders

Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign met with the General Manager of Lakeland Electric (LE), Joel Ivy and Senior Staff last week and also got a chance to tour the McIntosh Power Plant. Lakeland Electric is a municipal power company serving 120,000 customers and was the first utility to sell power in the state of Florida.


Ancient Island Group members Bruce Kistler and John Ryan were joined by Beyond Coal staff Kelly Martin and Tim Heberlein to meet Mr Ivy and Asst Gen. Manager Farzie Shelton to talk about their solar power production and the Clean Power Plan.

Lakeland Electric told Sierra Club members that they currently have a 5 MW solar project (one of the largest in the state) and they are scheduled to expand to 24 MW by 2017.

Sierra Club members spoke in favor of LE's investment in solar and clean renewable sources, and in favor of strong pollution controls for coal power production, like McIntosh's #3 reactor. Mr. Ivy agreed to keep conversations with the Sierra Club going to figure out how to meet the new EPA Clean Power Plan Guidelines.

Sierra Club members then took a tour of the McIntosh plant which houses 4 power plants. 2 of them were the 364-MW Coal Plant (#3) and the 365-MW Combined Cycle Natural Gas Plant (#5).

Sierra Club Beyond Coal and Lakeland Electric had a very constructive conversation with Mr. Ivy and staff and a very informative tour of the McIntosh plant. Both agreed to keep the lines of communication open and will continue to have this conversation on how to meet Florida's current and future energy needs.

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