Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Our Mission: To discuss and explore the linkages between environmental quality and social justice, and to promote dialogue, increased understanding, and appropriate action.

Former Sierra Club president Aaron Mair speaks at a historic Mississippi March for Justice.

About Our Program

At the Sierra Club, we are diligently working to explore the integration of social justice and environmental concerns. Our program seeks to provide an effective framework for addressing the damage, risk, and discrimination facing so many communities today.

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Over a decade after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, the Gulf Coast still fights for the most basic of rights: to return home, breathe clean air, and drink clean water.
26 de agosto de 2022

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) propuso hoy una nueva regla por la cual dos compuestos altamente tóxicos del tipo PFAS—PFOS y PFOA— se considerarían sustancias peligrosas en virtud de la Ley Federal de Superfunds (lugares altamente…

August 11, 2022

The House passed the largest investment ever in climate and clean energy, sending the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) to President Biden’s desk for signing. This historic legislation directs $369 billion to over 100 programs that together will…

4 de agosto de 2022

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) dio un modesto paso positivo hacia la protección de comunidades de todo el país, incluyendo latinas, contra los impactos negativos del óxido de etileno, un potente carcinógeno.

August 3, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, EPA took a small but positive step toward protecting communities across America from the harmful impacts of ethylene oxide, a potent carcinogen, by announcing reinvigorated efforts to notify and consult communities near 23…

July 28, 2022

Today, Sierra Club and the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of South Texas filed an appeal of the 445th District Court’s decision to dismiss their lawsuit filed against Cameron County and the Texas General Land Office (GLO).