Annapolis, MD -- Green For All, Free Your Voice, GreenLatinos, Maryland Environmental Health Network, Chispa Maryland of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters, Dr.
SB 393--a bill which would have allowed non evidence-based information to be taught in the K-12 science classroom and would have blocked school boards from intervening to stop science miseducation-- ​was pulled from the House floor agenda and will not advance in 2017.
WASHINGTON, DC - Environmental Justice champion Reverend Lennox Yearwood posted to Huffington Post today and described in graphic detail how he was “assaulted, roughed up, and detained” by a police officer in Washington, D.C. while attempting to cross the street near the National Mall during the Science March on Saturday.
Washington, DC -- Today, on Earth Day, Donald Trump, the only world leader to deny climate change, released a statement claiming his administration is committed to protecting America’s clean air and water, running counter to the numerous actions he has taken in his short time in office.In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued an executive directive to the Commonwealth’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Air Pollution Control Board that will lead to a strong limit on carbon pollution from power plants through regional cooperation. The Virginia DEQ will now begin crafting plans to develop a program to reduce carbon pollution in the state.
WASHINGTON D.C.-- Today marks the end of the comment period for Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consider rolling back life-saving standards and rules for our clean air and water and our climate. During the comment period, more than 50,000 people across the country voiced their opposition to the proposed rollbacks.